By making just a few small changes to your daily routine, you can save a significant amount of water, money, and preserve water supplies for the future.

  • Collect rainwater to irrigate indoor/outdoor plants.
  • Install WaterSense labeled low-flow shower heads and save 3 gallons per minute.
  • Take shorter showers by 2 – 3 minutes and save up to 10 gallons per shower.
  • Install WaterSense labeled low-flow fixtures or aerators for every faucet in the house.
  • Replace older, inefficient toilets with new low-flow toilets.
  • Only water landscapes one to two time per week. Frequent watering promotes shallower root systems and weeds.
  • Avoid over-watering by using a rain gauge to measure how much water you are applying. Your lawn should only need 3/4″ to 1″ of water per week.
  • To reduce evaporation, water the lawn in the early morning, between 4 am and 10 am.
  • Do not allow sprinklers to water your driveway or the road.
  • Aerate your lawn twice a year to allow air, water and nutrients deep into the soil allowing for deeper root growth.
  • Replace grass with native or drought resistant landscaping.
  • Place a 2″ to 4″ layer of mulch around plants and trees to avoid excess evaporation and retain moisture.
  • Consider using a commercial car wash that recycles water or wash your car on your lawn.
  • Protect water quality by limiting or eliminating the use of fertilizers, weed killers and pesticides.
  • Install micro/drip irrigation systems or use soaker hoses to water outdoors.
  • Fix leaky faucets or shower heads easily by replacing worn washers.
  • Fill the sink to wash dishes instead of leaving the water on and fill dishwashers completely before running them.

WaterSense, a partnership program by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, seeks to protect the future if our nation’s water supply. For more tips on reducing outdoor water use, visit the WaterSense website.

To learn more about how you can use water efficiently, visit the Washington State Department of Health website.